What is CRM?
If you’re happy with your sales team doing their own thing without ever knowing what promises they’re making or to whom, then you probably don’t need CRM. If you’re happy with your sales staff recording their customer calls on bits of paper or excel spread sheets that no one else ever sees, then you probably don’t need CRM either. If you’re happy to have your customers calling your sales staff multiple times per day about problems that never get resolved, then you definitely don’t need CRM. But if you want your business to work smarter, get results, build on-going relationships with your customers, then you owe it to yourself to find out more about what CRM can do for you today . What is CRM? CRM, or Customer Relationship Management, is: • a company-wide business Strategy • for bringing together information • from all data sources • to provide a holistic view of each customer • in real time • to make informed decisions • ...